Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015


1.    Jurnal

 (by Dana Waskita)
I.           Introduction
            Today many people are attempting to master more than one language. It is undeniable that acquiring two or more languages may gain some benefits. Being a bilingualist or multilingualist would imply social and economical advantages. They would be commonly regarded as a group of people that has higher social status since the acquisition of other language requires a tremendous effort. A part from that, this skill may bring on an income or extra income if the possessors apply it in particular occupations such as interpreters, translators, or language teachers. Moreover, in this article I would like to argue that second language acquisition also implies the acquisition of the second world view. Then I will try to reveal how it happens. Furthermore, some suggestions on pedagogical methods to assist in the process of second language acquisition are presented.
II.       The Journal
Bilingualism or multilingualism may imply socioeconomic advantages. But a further literature study indicates that this may also affect psychological and cultural viewpoints. The acquisition of second language would significantly influence the mentality or perceptual framework of the language users. Language as “a system of communication, a medium for thought, a vehicle for literary expression, a social institution, a matter for political controversy, a catalyst for nation building”. Both language and culture share a general idea, i.e. a system associated with cognition. In terms of cognition, different cultures and languages, to some extent, may indicate different procedure of obtaining knowledge and comprehending through line of thinking, skills, experience, and the sensory faculty. Kessing (1979) provided an evident of a particular phenomenon that is viewed differently by people from different cultures. He stated “In, culture after culture, one‟s predecessors are viewed as having gone ahead (“before”) along a line of march we are following, and one‟s life experiences are seen as having “left behind” (“past” = passed). Kwaio culture permutes this model by conceptualizing the time periods associated with those who has gone before (ta?a I na?o „ people in front‟) as being in front of and downward from the present”. This evidence supports the idea that different cultures may have different point of view of the same phenomenon. To sum up, a language and culture may indicate a particular way of thinking. People from the same language and culture are likely to have the same cognition. They will probably have similar perception and feeling on phenomena in the world. On the contrary, users of different languages and cultures may differ in expressing the phenomena in the world. It is strongly influenced by their ways of thinking.
Syntax Analysis

1.      In this journal, the writer used standard language. It is supported by reason that some sentences in this journal used permanent language order, as sentences below:
a.       They would be commonly regarded as a group of people that has higher social status since the acquisition of other language requires a tremendous effort (passive sentence)
b.      The acquisition of second language would significantly influence the mentality or perceptual framework of the language users (active sentence)
2.      There are some tenses uses in this journal. they are present tense, Past tense and future tense , for example:
a.       It is undeniable that acquiring two or more languages may gain some benefits (simple Present).
b.      Today many people are attempting to master more than one language (Present continuous)
c.       I will try to reveal how it happens (simple future)
d.      A bilingualist or multilingualist would imply social and economical advantages (past future)
e.       He stated “In, culture after culture, one‟s predecessors are viewed as having gone ahead (“before”) along a line of march we are following, and one‟s life experiences are seen as having “left behind” (“past” = passed) (simple past)
3.      The example phrase structure tree from the journal above, it can shown at tree chart below:

 4.      In this jounal, we also can find some compound words as below:
a.       multilingualist  (endocentric types)
b.      downward (exocentric types)
c.       framework (appositional types)
5.      In this journal we can find some phrases, clauses and sentences. They are as below:
a.       Phrase 
1.      Noun phrase                : second language
2.      Verb phrase                 : are attempting
3.      Prepositional phrase    : on an income
4.      Infinitive phrase          : to argue, to reveal
5.      Appositive phrase       : the acquisition of other language requires
b.      Clause
1.      Independent clause    :    They will probably have similar perception and feeling on phenomena in the world
2.      Dependent Clause      :    It is undeniable that acquiring two or more languages may gain some benefits
c.       Sentence
1.      Simple sentence                      :
“People are attempting to master more than one language”
2.      Compound sentence               :
“People from the same language and culture are likely to have the same cognition.”
3.      Complex sentence                   :
“On the contrary, users of different languages and cultures may differ in expressing the phenomena in the world.”
4.      Complex-Compound sentence:
“Both language and culture share a general idea, i.e. a system associated with cognition. In terms of cognition, different cultures and languages, to some extent, may indicate different procedure of obtaining knowledge and comprehending through line of thinking, skills, experience, and the sensory faculty.”

2.    Novel

The a Story of a Feminine Power
(Original Novel by Sunil Doiphode, English Version by Anil Ekbote)
Having finished his bath Ganeshrao was putting his clothes on. White terycotton shirt and white stringed pyjama of the same cloth. From his movements his body seemed more tired than that of his normal fifty-year’s age. And why not, more than age he was harassed by various ailments like BP, Sugar and Acidity. He recollected…
When he was young he wore trousers and shirt …
That too, tucking in, at the beginning … very neat….
How changes take place slowly in human beings. …
And circumstances also have such great influence on them …
While Ganeshrao was hurrying to put on clothes and get ready in the kitchen, his wife was unnecessarily banging vessels and cribbing aloud. …as usual…
“You are serving since 25 years … serving since so many years … and what did you earn? Not even casual acquaintances in the department. …This was such a nice Taluqa place .. and we had our own house here … But they caught hold of you and flung you 70 kilometres away on transfer. .. In some god forsaken village… they thus got permanently rid of their headache …. I was telling you so many times --- true honesty is of no use. … Only honest people have to suffer like this, like us.
A sentence flashed in Ganeshrao’s mind.
Straight trees are cut first.
“Does it apply to me?”
“It does, to some extent.”
Whose quote is it?
From which book?
“I am unable to remember.”
“But it seems Chanakya has written something alike in our Sanskrit.”
His wife was continuing with her chattering.
“But who will listen to me? …Just because I am not much educated.
Common sense is always superior to bookish knowledge… But who is there to listen to me ….”
Ganeshrao could no more remain quiet. The mention of bookish knowledge had hurt him.
“Will you now stop grumbling for a while … I am getting ready to go there … Am I not going to the bungalow for that very purpose?”
annoyed, he said sharply.
Syntax Analysis

1.      In this novel, generally sentences use spoken language. It is supported by reason that some sentences in this novel used non-permanent language order, as sentences below:
a.       From which book?
b.      That too, tucking in, at the beginning … very neat….
c.       Having finished his bath Ganeshrao was putting his clothes on
2.      Although in this novel generally sentences use spoken language but there are still some sentences using permanent language. they are :
a.       I am unable to remember (simple Present).
b.      While Ganeshrao was hurrying to put on clothes and get ready (Past continuous)
c.       You are serving since 25 years (Present continuous)
d.      He wore trousers and shirt (simple past)
3.      The example phrase structure tree from the novel above, it can shown at tree chart below:

4.      In this novel, we also can find some compound words as below:
a.       terycotton  (endocentric types)
b.      fifty-year’s (copulative Types)
55.      In this novel, we can find some phrases, clauses and sentences. They are as below:
a.       Phrase 
1.      Noun phrase                : white stringed pyjama
2.      Verb phrase                 : was continuing
3.      Prepositional phrase    : in our Sanskrit
4.      Infinitive phrase          : to suffer, to go
b.      Independent clause           :          
They caught hold of you and flung you 70 kilometres away on transfer.
c.       Sentence
1.      Simple sentence                      :
I was telling you so many times
2.      Compound sentence               :
From his movements his body seemed more tired than that of his normal fifty-year’s age.”
3.      Complex sentence                   :
While Ganeshrao was hurrying to put on clothes and get ready in the kitchen, his wife was unnecessarily banging vessels and cribbing aloud

Article/Column in Newspaper



The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Thu, May 21 2015, 3:53 PM

US Department of State spokesperson Marie Harf said on Thursday that the US welcomed the decision by Indonesia. Malaysia and Thailand to work together to uphold their responsibilities under international law and provide humanitarian assistance and shelter to 7,000 vulnerable migrants stranded on Southeast Asian waters.
“The US urges other countries of the region and international communities to support them in those efforts,” she said in a release on Thursday.
The issue of the Myanmarese and Bangladeshi migrants will be discussed at in a conference hosted by Thailand in Bangkok on May 29.
“We believe all governments in the region with a stake in this issue should attend this conference, where a high-level US delegation will be present,” said Harf.
“The US continues to urge countries in the region to take proactive steps quickly to save the lives of migrants and asylum seekers now at sea and refrain from turning away any new boat arrivals,” she went on.
In a meeting on Wednesday, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand agreed to reverse a policy of turning back boats carrying refugees and vulnerable migrants.
In a joint statement agreed upon during the meeting, Indonesia and Malaysia said they would provide temporary shelter for up to 7,000 people still at sea, believed to be mainly Rohingya refugees fleeing persecution in Myanmar, as well as Bangladeshis.
They said shelter would only be provided for up to a year, and on condition that the international community helped with repatriation or resettlement efforts.
Thailand did not sign on to the commitment to provide temporary shelter, citing domestic legal constraints.
However, it pledged to not push back boats stranded in its waters and to provide humanitarian assistance to those aboard. (ebf) (+++)

Syntax Analysis

1.      In this article, reporter combines two kind languages. They are standard language and spoken language. We can see the sentences as below:
a.       US Department of State spokesperson Marie Harf said on Thursday that the US welcomed the decision by Indonesia (standard language)
b.      “The US continues to urge countries in the region to take proactive steps quickly to save the lives of migrants and asylum seekers now at sea and refrain from turning away any new boat arrivals,” she went on. (spoken language)
c.       The issue of the Myanmarese and Bangladeshi migrants will be discussed at in a conference hosted by Thailand in Bangkok on May 29. (passive sentence)
2.      There are some tenses uses in this article. they are present tense, and past tense, for example:
a.       We believe all governments in the region with a stake in this issue should attend this conference (simple Present).
b.      They would provide temporary shelter for up to 7,000 people still at sea (past future)
c.       Malaysia and Thailand agreed to reverse a policy of turning back boats carrying refugees and vulnerable migrants. (simple past)
3.      The example phrase structure tree from the journal above, it can shown at tree chart below:

4.      In this jounal, we also can find some compound words as below:
a.       spokesperson  (endocentric types)
b.      resettlement (exocentric types)
c.       humanitarian (appositional types)
d.      high-level (copulative Types)
5.      In this article, we can find some phrases, clauses and sentences. They are as below:
a.       Phrase 
1.      Noun phrase                : Bangladeshi migrants
2.      Prepositional phrase    : on Southeast Asian waters
3.      Infinitive phrase          : to support
b.      Clause
1.      Independent clause    :    “The US continues to urge countries in the region to take proactive steps quickly to save the lives of migrants and asylum seekers now at sea and refrain from turning away any new boat arrivals.”
2.      Dependent Clause      :    We believe all governments in the region with a stake in this issue should attend this conference, where a high-level US delegation will be present
c.       Sentence
1.      Simple sentence                      :
Migrants stranded on Southeast Asian waters.
2.      Complex sentence                   :
“We believe all governments in the region with a stake in this issue should attend this conference, where a high-level US delegation will be present.”

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